Growing without borders

For years Cadiai has been promoting and implementing international project design paths, in partnership with public and third sector organisations at European level and beyond. In particular, it operates in the field of Erasmus + funds from the European Commission.

Progetti internazionali - Cadiai

Cadiai is a member of the Arfie network - Association for research and training on integration in Europe – which is a large European network of social service providers and professionals that promotes projects and research at European level with the aim of fostering innovative and inclusive approaches in services for people with disabilities.
International projects allow Cadiai to do research, development and innovation in its areas of activity and to get to know third sector realities throughout Europe.


Support and awareness-raising paths for young people in need of care and their informal carers.


Training courses for people with disability in independent living services for the acquisition of soft and digital skills.


For a more united, digital, accessible and inclusive Europe.


Training path for managers in the field of social and solidarity economy.


Improving the identification and combating of violence towards older people in social care settings.


A journey through experiences in European countries to learn about employment systems for people with disabilities.


An educational board game that uses cards to acquire and share knowledge and skills.


An experimental training project for empowerment and self-entrepreneurship for disabled people.